Genetic diagnostics
Genetic diagnostics General health Your genetic material will be decoded/ broken down by means of a saliva sample. The evaluation takes about 1 month. Afterwards we will contact you and you will receive individualised evaluations:
- The "Alzheimer's gene" Apoe
- Information on other genes that influence your ageing
- The breast cancer gene BRCA2
- TP53, a gene that contributes to cancer susceptibility
- COVID-19 susceptibility
- Susceptibility to inflammation
- Genetic blood sugar sensitivity
- Metabolism of various vitamins
- Metabolism of various minerals
Costs: € 250,- incl. file with the personal decoded genome and 30 min. consultation.
5 evaluations are included in the offer, all further evaluations cost € 35,- extra.
In collaboration with anchestryDNA and SelfDecode
Gene diagnostics for drug metabolism
Everyone metabolises medicines differently. Optimally, Mrs. Müller takes three tablets of a medicine every day, Mr. Schmidt only one and for Mrs. Schulz this medicine is not suitable at all, you are prescribed a different active ingredient - and all three are fine with it.
However, medicines are usually prescribed in a way that helps "most" people. Dosage instructions do distinguish between children, adults and senior citizens, but even there there are huge individual differences that are only found out in practice through lengthy experimentation. For example, the same dose may be too low for Franziska, 10 years old and weighing 40 kg, but much too high for Huber, 55 years old and weighing 103 kg.
In the meantime, many genes have been decoded that give clues as to whether a particular person tolerates a medicine well, less well or not at all. We offer a gene analysis where we can tell how well a particular medication is tolerated even before the first dose is taken. Based on this, we can optimally adjust your medication without much trial and error. This is particularly valuable for psychotropic drugs.
The great thing about it: after a one-off test, you can benefit from individually tailored therapies for the rest of your life.
Costs: One-time genetic diagnosis incl. medication adjustment: € 500,-.
Check for each additional medication (in the practice or by e-mail): € 20,-.
Telo-X test kit
The Telo-X test analyses the length of the telomeres and thus provides information about the extent of telomere damage and the ageing process.
Telomeres are the protective caps of our chromosomes and play a major role in our ageing process. The telomeres shorten with every cell division. Environmental factors such as stress or an unhealthy diet cause telomeres to shorten even faster. If the telomeres are too short, cell division no longer takes place - the ageing process begins.
Conversely, long telomeres stand for health, performance and youth.
The Telo-X test can be carried out by yourself using the enclosed instructions for use including video instructions and is available in our practice in Klagenfurt.
Costs: € 200,-
MITO OX test kit
The MITO OX test determines the oxidative stress level of your mitochondria.
How healthy and fit someone is depends mainly on the condition of their mitochondria. One reason for the decline in mitochondrial activity is damage to the genetic material. This occurs, for example, when free radicals trigger excessive oxidative stress and the mitochondria no longer have sufficient protective measures.
This test analyses the extent of mitochondrial damage caused by free radicals. It is a quantitative test that indicates whether and how many sections of the mitochondrial genetic material have been destroyed.
The MITO OX test can be carried out by yourself using the enclosed instructions for use including video instructions and is available in our practice in Klagenfurt.
Costs: € 100,-
HRV test
The HRV test measures the stress on the autonomic nervous system, which controls all life processes. (Breathing, circulation, digestion and temperature regulation)
The test can be carried out on site in our practices in Klagenfurt and Vienna.
Cost: € 50,-
Capnometry test
The capnometry test measures the body's ability to absorb inhaled oxygen by measuring the CO2 tension in the air we breathe
The test can be carried out on site in our practices in Klagenfurt and Vienna.
Costs: € 150,-
Omega-3 Index Test Kit
The omega-3 index uses a dry blood analysis to determine how well you are supplied with the vital, vascular-protecting omega-3 fatty acids.
The proportion of inflammation-causing omega-6 fatty acids in your blood is also determined.
You will receive a detailed results and recommendation report.
The test is used to determine the concentration 6/3 ratio, which allows a precise statement to be made about the omega-3 and omega-6 supply.
Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids. The most important omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
It is recommended to consume 250 mg of these two fats daily to prevent negative health consequences.
Both fatty acids fulfil important functions in the human organism.
Together they have an effect on the inflammatory processes in the body, lower blood lipid levels, have an influence on mood and mental fitness, as well as an influence on susceptibility to infections. Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are further converted into other substances in the body via the same enzymes. It is therefore important to optimise the ratio of intake of the two fatty acids.
Ideally, the omega-6/3 ratio should be 5:1 or even less.
Overview of the effects of an optimal omega-6/3 ratio
- Regulation of inflammatory processes
- Disease prevention
- Reduction of arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases
- Lowering blood lipid levels
- Positive influence on mental well-being
- Positive influence on mental fitness
- Positive influence on cell health
The test can be carried out on site in our practices in Klagenfurt and Vienna.
Costs: € 150,-